Communicating in the Feed and Grain Business

From Feed and Grain Magazine - Communication. Talking, listening, reading, writing . . . it all seems so simple. Yet we know how easily “wires can get crossed,” when we don’t listen to what somebody is saying (how many times has that caused arguments between you and your significant other), or when we misread a letter or e-mail, or when we don’t talk to or phone someone at a crucial time. In this month’s column, we discuss communication; its importance and perhaps some ways to communicate with different audiences that you have not thought about before.


Deciphering Online Shopping Behaviors of Generations Y and Z

While there are some similarities between Y and Z generational customers, they also have major distinctive online shopping behaviors. Organizations that want to serve these generations need to develop more effective marketing strategies to serve both the cohorts based on their unique characteristics and distinct behaviors. It’s important to remember that for many agribusinesses, the issue isn’t SELLING online it is helping their buyers SHOP online.