Erin G Robinson

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Agribusiness, Management, Quarterly Review, Research, Sales, Strategy

Deciphering online shopping behaviors of Generations Y and Z

While there are some similarities between Y and Z generational customers, they also have major...

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Management, Quarterly Review, Sales, Strategy

Unveiling the Sales Training Equation: A strategic guide for maximizing ROI

Training ROI has gotten a lot of attention in the last several years and, for...

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What We’re Reading

Developing strategy in turbulent times

The food and agribusiness sector is facing turbulent times, but conscious management decisions can enable...

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Education, Featured, Marketing, Sales, Strategy

What does it mean to sell with precision?

Today, nearly every organization trains people on basic sales skills and most salespeople are good...

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Agribusiness, Finance

What Does the Federal Fund Rate Increases at May FOMC Meeting Mean for Food and Agribusiness?

During the May 3rd Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, FOMC voting members raised the...

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Management, Quarterly Review, Strategy

Modern Chinese Management and Agribusiness

China is one of the most major food producers and consumers in the world. More...

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Quarterly Review, Strategy

How Farmers Interact with Digitization of the Agricultural Value Chain

This article examines different market segments of the crop protection market and how that is...

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Quarterly Review, Strategy

Pathways for Innovation

We reached a time when most companies, especially those winning in their industries, realized their...

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Agribusiness, Featured, Finance, Research

Non-traditional Lenders in the Ag Credit Markets

Commercial banks and the Farm Credit System have been the dominant lenders to farmers for...

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What We’re Reading


While it seems like our society is developing at an evermore rapid pace, current events...

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