
Congratulations on your decision to enroll in the MS-MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management! This page provides you with a collection of quick links to resources you might need throughout the program.


To earn the master of science degree from Purdue, you are required to complete all 21 credits of the Purdue program with a 3.0 average.

The Purdue courses are as follows:

AGEC 684 – Applied Quantitative Methods for Decision Making (3 credits)
AGEC 681 – Economics for Food and Agribusiness Managers (3 credits)
AGEC 687 – Problem Solving and Project Management for Decision Makers (3 credits)
AGEC 685 – Advanced Quantitative Methods: Decision Making under Uncertainty (3 credits)
AGEC 682 – The Macroeconomic, Trade, and Policy Environment of the Food System (3 credits)
AGEC 688 – Business Analysis Capstone Course (3 credits)
AGEC 686 – Strategic Food and Agribusiness Management (3 credits)

You will also need to have completed at least 15 credits from Indiana University by the end of November of your second year. These 15 credits will be transferred to Purdue and no grade can be below a B-. If you have questions about this requirement, please talk with Taryn Nance.

Kelley School of Business courses transferred to Purdue with a grade of B- or above are:

C521 – Managing Accounting Information for Decision Making (3 credits)
C570 – Strategic Marketing Management (3 credits)
C580 – Operations Management (3 credits)
C540 – Financial Management (3 credits)
C560 – Strategic Management and Business Planning (3 credits)


Students are responsible for observing the policies, rules and regulations of Purdue University. Click here for more information.

Student Resources

Purdue offers a wide variety of resources that are available to you, even as off-campus students. Check out some of them below.

Purdue Career Account

Your career account will give you electronic access to your @purdue.edu email account and other electronic services. This account is created when you are admitted to Purdue and is yours to use for as long as you are affiliated with Purdue. You can store files in your career account and access them anytime, anywhere on campus. Your career account alias comprises the part of your email address before the @purdue.edu.

To Activate Your Career Account
  • You need your Purdue University Identification Number (PUID), which was provided in your online admission decision letter.
  • You will also need a career account set-up password. Your career account set-up password was sent by email from the Graduate School’s Admissions office after you reviewed your online admission decision letter.
  • Go to https://www.purdue.edu/apps/account/AccountSetup and use your PUID and career account set-up password to activate your account.


myPurdue is the central online hub for you to access your personal, academic and financial account information. Financial aid information will be in One.IU. You will use your career account login and Boiler Key to log into myPurdue.


One.IU is your one-stop source for all things IU from Canvas to various tasks like checking your tuition bill or schedule of classes.

Purdue Information Technology

Purdue Information Technology is the University’s central information technology organization responsible for Purdue’s major operational systems, the campus wired network and one of the world’s largest wireless networks. If you experience technical issues or need assistance, click on the link to the Purdue IT Service Portal.

University Information Technology Services: IU

University Information Technology Services (UITS) provides services and support for the multifaceted technology environment at IU. If you need assistance with technology, tools or services through IU, click here for the support center.

Purdue Libraries

The campus system includes 3,317,331 printed volumes and electronic books; 227,814 electronic and print journals; and government documents and microforms in excess of 400,000. The Purdue e-Pubs digital repository, also a part of Libraries, is an open access software platform, which provides access to full-text publications, as well as unique, previously unpublished scholarly content. It currently contains 66,794 items and has registered 19,870,198 downloads as of November 2019. Information is accessible 24/7 and can be accessed by visiting the Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies website.

Last sentence on the page – add another space and the text should be – Want to know more about Purdue University? Visit the Purdue Traditions webpage.

The Purdue Center for Career Opportunities

The Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) serves as a centralized Career Services office for the West Lafayette Campus. We offer multiple services for students, alumni, employers, faculty and staff. https://www.cco.purdue.edu/

Information for International Students

International students coming into the United States should check their eligibility for the VISA Waiver Program.

Please request an invitation letter from Taryn to show at entry into the United States. When asked upon entry into the United States, state your plans to attend a one-week business education seminar at Purdue showing your invitation letter.

Other things you can do:

Purdue’s Emergency Cell Phone Information

Purdue will occasionally send text updates about emergencies that occur on campus. If you don’t want middle-of-the-night texts about campus emergencies:

Go to www.purdue.edu/securePurdue.

Then, go to Change Password (even though you aren’t changing your password).

Under Emergency Contact (on the right side of page), change your cell phone number to all zeroes. If you run into any problems, contact ITaP (Information Technology at Purdue), at 765-494-4000.

Want to know more about Purdue? Visit this site to learn about Purdue traditions and other interesting history


Your first point of contact for questions or concerns about the program is Taryn Nance, program manager, Purdue University.

Work: (765) 496-2447
Cell:   (765) 714-2771

For questions on a course, or help with homework, contact your professor or teaching assistant.

Kelley Executive Degree Programs

If you have an Indiana University Kelley School of Business question (and you have asked Taryn first), contact:

Amanda Thacker, Program Manager
Work: (812) 855-7140

For help with technical problems with IU Kelley courses on Canvas, contact Kelley Executive Degree Programs Help Desk at kdhelp@indiana.edu or (866) 260-1702.