Filter by Tag: Agribusiness Finance for Non-Financial Managers.

The Story Behind the Numbers

“In reality, financial statements are simply a reflection of what non-financial managers are already doing and thinking about. The difference is that in a financial statement, activities and decisions are being measured by a dollar sign rather than other metrics...

Improving Brand Value

Journal Authors: Heinonen, K; Campbell, C. and Ferguson, S. L. Journal: Strategies for creating value through individual and collective customer experiences. Business Horizons (2019) 62, 95-104. Reviewer Dr. Luciano Thome e Castro, Clinical Associate Professor Summary...

Speak Your CFO’s Language

Do you ever feel a bit like Charlie Brown listening to his teacher when your chief financial officer is talking? CFOs often rise to the position through the accounting function of the business. At times, it can feel like they have their own language. Depending on the...