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What We’re Reading

Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are

There is a data set ‘out there’ that knows more about us than surveys or...

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What We’re Reading

The House Advantage: Playing the Odds to Win Big in Business

We talk a lot about data-driven decision making on Consumer Corner, because there are many...

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Agribusiness, Quarterly Review

How New Technologies Can Help Agribusinesses Achieve Goals by Promoting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations introduced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are expected to...

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Quarterly Review, Strategy

Improving Brand Reputation Using Social Media

The continued emergence of social media allows companies to be constantly interacting with stakeholders. This...

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Using Big Data to Connect Company & Customer Core Values


Agribusiness, Quarterly Review, Strategy

Using Big Data to Connect Company and Customer Core Values

As the world becomes more interconnected through the internet, opportunities arise. Today, businesses can collect...

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Agribusiness Data Analytics and Intelligence Roles


Agribusiness, Featured, Strategy

Agribusiness Data Analytics and Intelligence Roles

It was clear before and even more so now after the events of the last...

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Cultural Impact on Mobile Banking Use


Agribusiness, Finance, Quarterly Review

Cultural Impact on Mobile Banking Use

Technological advances are being made in many areas such as big data, biotechnology, robotics and...

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The Role of Digital Technology in Agribusiness


Quarterly Review

The Role of Digital Technology in Agribusiness

This paper analyzes the effect of digital transformation on value creation and attempts to improve...

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Managing Cybersecurity Challenges


Quarterly Review, Risk Management

Managing Cybersecurity Challenges

There has been an increase in the implementation of new technologies such as cloud storage,...

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Data-Driven Decision Making in Times of Crisis: Communication


Agribusiness, Featured, Risk Management, Strategy

Data-Driven Decision Making in Times of Crisis: Communication

In this final article in the Data-Driven Decision Making in Times of Crisis series, we...

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