frank dooley

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Human Resources, Management, Research

Keep Talent in Industry

From Feedstuffs Magazine - Having great employees is central to the continued growth and success...

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Agribusiness, Marketing, Research

Internet and e-Commerce Use by Agribusiness Firms: 2004

From Journal of Agribusiness - In 2001, the bubble burst and U.S. e-commerce growth...

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Agribusiness, Research, Supply Chain

Adoption of Internet Strategies by Agribusiness Firms

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Agribusiness, Marketing, Sales

Value Placed on the Customer Returns Value to the Business

From Seed and Crops Digest - Whoever said, “The customer is always right,” as a...

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Agribusiness, Leadership, Management, Risk Management

Managing Risk with Specialty Grains

From Seed and Crops Digest - Balance. It’s imperative to successful management, leadership and just...

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Agribusiness, Management, Supply Chain

Managing the Supply Chain – A Manager’s Map

From Seed and Crops Digest - New complexities have arrived on the seed scene with...

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Industry Analysis, Management, Marketing

The Compressed Product Lifecycle… Challenges or Opportunities

From Seed and Crops Digest - Marketing is a constantly changing, challenging endeavor as well...

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Education, Marketing, Production Agriculture, Strategy

Marketing Value-Added Crops – Not Just for Analysts Anymore

From Seed and Crops Digest - Remember in school when agricultural marketing classes were all...

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Agribusiness, Management, Research, Supply Chain

Assessing the Effect of ECR on Financial and Operating Performance

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