jay akridge

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Agribusiness, Education, Finance, Management, Research

A Framework for Evaluating Return on Investment on Management Development Programs

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Agribusiness, Research, Supply Chain

Searching for Growth

From Seed World Magazine - Few question that growth is important to seed industry firms....

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Agribusiness, Research, Supply Chain

Adoption of Internet Strategies by Agribusiness Firms

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Agribusiness, Research

2005 Precision Agricultural Services Dealership Survey Results

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Production Agriculture, Research

Clear Reception

From CropLife - My, what a difference a decade makes! Ten years ago, the crop...

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Agribusiness, Education

Graduate Management Degrees: Deepening Perspective, Enhancing the Tool Kit

From AgriMarketing Magazine - Anyone who reads the business press has seen articles criticizing graduate...

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Agribusiness, Management

Gauging CRM Efforts

From AgriMarketing Magazine - Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, continues to get attention and still...

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Agribusiness, Production Agriculture, Research

Assessing Opportunities, Challenges and the Future Role of the U.S. Crop Input Dealer

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Agribusiness, Production Agriculture, Research

Are Producers Always in Search of the Cheapest Price?

From Feedstuffs Magazine - Price is always a sensitive issue in the agriculture markets. The...

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Agribusiness, Marketing, Research

Product Brand May Matter to Commercial Producers

From Feedstuffs Magazine - For any given agricultural input, producers are often faced with an...

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