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Manading Cusomer Relations pyramid


Quarterly Review

Managing customer relationships

The authors of this article take an economic approach to building customer relationships. Specifically, whether...

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Price Promotions and Profit


Quarterly Review

Price promotions and profit

The authors exhaustively searched an academic database of peer reviewed articles for those that consider...

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Management, Sales

How Sales and Marketing Relate

From AgriMarketing Magazine - Many agribusinesses are struggling with this relationship right now. Consolidation has...

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Agribusiness, Marketing, Sales, Strategy

Bigger Profits Through Targeted Sales

From Feed and Grain Magazine - The title of this article is really stating the...

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Agribusiness, Management, Marketing, Strategy

Taking a Fresh Look at Your Marketing Strategy

From Feed and Grain Magazine - Most managers think of specific aspects of their marketing...

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Agribusiness, Production Agriculture, Research

Are Producers Always in Search of the Cheapest Price?

From Feedstuffs Magazine - Price is always a sensitive issue in the agriculture markets. The...

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Agribusiness, Marketing, Sales

Tailoring Your Value Bundle

From AgriMarketing Magazine - What benefits are most important to your agricultural input buyers? When...

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Marketing, Research, Sales

Sales/Marketing Insights

From AgriMarketing Magazine - Who is the agricultural input buyer? Is the buyer profile changing?...

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Marketing, Research, Sales

Local Dealers of Agricultural Inputs: Who’s Your Buyer

From AgriMarketing Magazine - Who is the agricultural input buyer? Is the buyer profile changing?...

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Industry Analysis, Management, Marketing

The Compressed Product Lifecycle… Challenges or Opportunities

From Seed and Crops Digest - Marketing is a constantly changing, challenging endeavor as well...

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