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A Sales Management Checkilst


Featured, Leadership, Management, Sales

A Sales Management Checklist

As we begin planning for our 2021 Sales Management and Leadership program, I thought it...

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market segment circled on glass drawing surface


Agribusiness, Careers, Featured, Marketing, Production Agriculture, Strategy

Segmenting an Evolving Industry

For many years, weather, disruption and unforeseen circumstances have been the root of issues affecting...

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silhouette of man yelling into megaphone


Agribusiness, Leadership, Marketing, Sales, Strategy

Can You Hear Me Now?

Recently, we had a group of about 20 sales managers on Purdue’s West Lafayette, IN...

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Allocation of Resources


Quarterly Review

Allocation of Salespeople’s Resources for Generating New Sales Opportunities Across Four Types of Customers

The goal of this study is to provide a structural mapping of resources available to...

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Withholding Information prohibited symbol


Quarterly Review

Withholding information

This paper presents a very interesting discussion around the issues regarding salespeople information sharing. Every...

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Agribusiness, Marketing, Research, Sales

Build-A-Salesperson Coming Soon to a Mall Near You

From AgriMarketing Magazine - My niece loves the Build-ABearWorkshop in our mall. Instead of picking...

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