Industry Analysis

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Agribusiness, Featured, Industry Analysis, Production Agriculture, Research

What tasks do farmers want help with?

We surveyed over 600 U.S. producers last August, asking them where they wanted help on...

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Agribusiness, Industry Analysis, Quarterly Review

Resetting the Table

The food production and distribution industry is increasingly at the forefront of public discussion and...

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Digital Technologies: Innovating for the Future of the Agri-Food Industry


Industry Analysis, Quarterly Review, Strategy

Digital Technologies: Innovating for the Future of the Agri-Food Industry

According to McKinsey & Company, April 21, 2021 was marked as World Creativity and Innovation...

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Opportunities in the Fresh Produce Supply Chain


Featured, Industry Analysis, Production Agriculture, Supply Chain

Opportunities in the Fresh Produce Supply Chain

We watched as 2020 unleashed volatility on our food and agribusiness supply chains. In the...

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What Data?


Agribusiness, Featured, Industry Analysis, Risk Management

Data-Driven Decision Making in Times of Crisis: What Data?

In our previous article (Data Driven Decision Making in Times of Crisis), we discussed the...

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Learnings and Changes for a Post-COVID-19


Agribusiness, Featured, Industry Analysis

Potential Learnings and Changes for a Post-COVID-19 Food and Agribusiness Industry

COVID-19 has sent shock waves throughout the world, challenging every aspect of life. During this...

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Agribusiness, Finance, Industry Analysis, Production Agriculture

Transitioning to the Long Term

This paper, published in the 2019 Special Issue of the Economic Review, explores how the...

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Agribusiness, Industry Analysis

What’s Your Direct-to-Customer Strategy?

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Agribusiness, Industry Analysis

Disruption in the Leafy Greens Industry?

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The Service Profit Chain


Agribusiness, Careers, Education, Industry Analysis, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Research, Sales, Strategy

What Do Sales Managers Manage?

The Service-Profit chain shows the relationship between employee activities and company profits. The concepts are...

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