Nathan DeLay


Nathan Delay is an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University. Nathan earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Rocky Mountain College in 2009. While pursuing a career in online advertising, he earned a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Colorado Denver. Nathan graduated with a Ph.D. in Economics from Washington State University in May of 2018. With interests in production agriculture, agricultural policy and applied econometrics, Nathan spent 2018-2022 as an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University.

Nathan grew up in Denver, Colorado, but has lived all over the West. In his free time, Nathan enjoys hiking, fly fishing, and spending time with his wife Faith, and their son (Walter) and daughter (Amelia).​

Recent Presentations

The Promise Of Digital Ag: Growing Your Digital Agriculture Strategy

Extension Publications

Data And Precision Ag Usage

Farm Data Usage In Commercial Agriculture

Farmer Use Of Ag Data Software

Selected Research Publications

DeLay, N. D., Chouinard, H. H., Walters, C. G., & Wandschneider, P. R. (n.d.). The Market Structure for Crop Insurance Agents and the Effects on Insurance Contracts. Manuscript in preparation.

Marsh, T. L., Palmer, G. H., Mwangi, T., Vanderford, J., Otiang, E., Ochieng, L., & Njenga, K. (2018). Linking Calving Intervals to Milk Production and Household Nutrition in Kenya. Manuscript submitted for publication.

DeLay, N. D. (n.d.). The Impact of Federal Crop Insurance on the Conservation Reserve Program. Manuscript in preparation.

DeLay, N. D., Chouinard, H. H., & Wandschneider, P. R. (in press). Categorizing Agritourism Operations and Identifying Barriers to Success. Journal of Agribusiness.