What We’re Reading

Our faculty and thought leaders are constantly reading, researching and striving to obtain more knowledge, so we’ve created a reference guide of books they are reading and why they find them interesting. 

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What We’re Reading

Lights Out: Pride, delusion, and the fall of general electric

One can learn much from books that share business success stories. And one can learn,...

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What We’re Reading

Developing strategy in turbulent times

The food and agribusiness sector is facing turbulent times, but conscious management decisions can enable...

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What We’re Reading


While it seems like our society is developing at an evermore rapid pace, current events...

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What We’re Reading

Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are

There is a data set ‘out there’ that knows more about us than surveys or...

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What We’re Reading

The House Advantage: Playing the Odds to Win Big in Business

We talk a lot about data-driven decision making on Consumer Corner, because there are many...

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What We’re Reading

What Should Danny Do?

In our house, we like to read the classics — Dr. Seuss, Sesame Street, Goodnight...

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What We’re Reading

Wellbeing at Work

How do we measure success in business? Most often we have used financial metrics to...

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What We’re Reading

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

Have you ever struggled to know how to have a productive confrontation with someone over...

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What We’re Reading

Escaping 1980 – Understanding the Farm Crisis and its Impacts on Agriculture Today

The 1980s farm financial crisis impacts everyone involved in U.S. agriculture today in one way...

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What We’re Reading

How Humanity Gave Itself an Extra Life and Politics as a Lifesaver

Recently, I read a New York Times commentary by David Leonhardt entitled Politics as a...

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What We’re Reading

Creating Great Choices: A Leader’s Guide to Integrative Thinking

Strategy is about making choices, often while facing a great deal of uncertainty. As decision...

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What We’re Reading

The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind

I often say that in Purdue University’s Agricultural Economics department comprised of over 30 faculty...

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