Always Innovating

From AgriMarketing Magazine - When doing the weekly shopping, it’s impossible to miss the new products lining the shelves. Customers are often like kids — they get bored with current toys and are always looking for newer, better, super toys. As an agri-manager, you are facing the same dilemma: how to serve your customer base by offering them better and more innovative products and services. In the spirit of innovation, this discussion provides some tips to better service your customers and maintain a loyal customer-base.


How Will Tech Enable Agrifood Trends of 2024?

Technological trends are not only addressing current challenges in the agriculture and food industry but are also paving the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and safer future.

What is relationship-based selling?

For the majority of my career, relationships have been an important aspect of selling in agriculture. The connections between buyers and sellers remain one of the attractive aspects of working in a sales role, at least from my perspective, but there are several different types of relationships.